Monday, August 27, 2007

The Mitchell Cornpalace

Now it's my turn to write--we're in Mitchell, SD which has the only cornpalace in the entire world. After readng the road signs for miles, Rich and I took a vote and decided 2-zip not to bother going there although we'll probably ride past it on our way out of town tomorrow. The pics are of Hills, SD, and specifically the former Bajema farm--Dan, we're impressed with the countryside altho there aren't very many shopping centers around!! We're having good travels so far--I'm glad that Vicks has been convicted for dog fights and thata Gonzales resigned. Other than those two things and lots of farm country, I don't have much more to say for today. Tomorrow we're heading to Buffalo, Wy where we'll stay for two nights. Weather is hot, bowels are good!
Love, Joy and Rich


Unknown said...

Thanks for the great pictures! It makes me want to move back (by the way, it's still Minnesota there, not SD). The barn looks much the same other than the newer metal roof. The house I lived in was moved to the town of Hills. The one in your pictures is about 15 years old. Most of the original buildings are gone. Even some of the creeks are gone - replaced with tiles.

cathy reed said...

NO WAY. Ahhhhhh! You mean you skipped the freakin' cornpalace! Life is meaningless now.