Thursday, September 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Well, we did it. We left Caledonia, MI on Aug 26th and we returned on Sept 19. It was a grand tour and a wonderful time with all of the family from Washington, Hawaii and Colorado. We travel through Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota,Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa.The trip back from Colorado was non-eventful and we are ready to take off for the Wabisis Park Church campout this weekend so far unless we decide we have had enough for the time being and just stay home.

I would post a picture but it would look just like the first one we posted thanks to Jonathan and the Nick De Boers and neighbor Elaine taking such good care of the homestead. The camper is a little worse for wear and plastered with bugs but it was a very comfortable home away from home.

Our thanks to all who so graciously hosted and entertained us but especially to Earl and Nora who welcomed us so warmly. The yard on Dayton Pl. in Kennewick was definitely our favorite campground. Thanks Uncle. To all who read our blog we wish the best. We will be taking a break for a few weeks now. October 5-7 will be our annual trip to the Zuiderveen's in Grand Marais, MI. Well write more about that later. In later October we hope to go to New Jersey to see Joy's brother Bob and family. God is good, even with a few trials and some tough times.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Denver Times

It has been a good time in Denver, not an easy time but a good time. Last evening we were able to host some good friends and relatives out to the campground at Cherry Creek State Park. Greg and Jenna Hess came early which was great because we got to talk a little before the Anema gang showed up. Jenna is healthy and very pregnant, 9 weeks and counting and they seem so happy and it's just fun every time we see them. Jerry, my brother, and Marsha and their entire family minus Sarah came to see us. Aunt Dorthy and cousin Grace also came. It was good to see them all.

The main reason for stopping by Denver was to see my Mom who is in a nursing home and we haven't seen her for almost a year. She appears to be doing well and looks healthy for her 87 years. But, it is very difficult to communicate with her for a number of reasons. She is very unexpressive, hard at hearing, and only says a few words like "yes", "no", and once in a while a "what". It is hard to see a loved one like that but we are thankful for her care givers and trust our Heavenly Father to take her home soon.

This evening we had supper with my sister Marge and talked and talked. It was good to be with her and its seems like we pick right up where we left off when we saw her last. We missed seeing Keith and his family on such short notice and their lives are very busy, also we had spent a good deal of quality time with them at Wilderness Campground in Michigan in June.

Well, we leave for home tomorrow and I think we are ready. Having trouble with the battery and the DC charging system. Hope we make it home without having to get it fixed. The low battery alarm just went off so I need to hook it up to the truck to see if that will charge it for a while. I'm not sure if there is a circuit isolator to prevent the truck battery from draining so I don't want to leave it connected all night. Seems like rv life is a series of fixing things as they come up with the camper. To our GR friends, see you soon.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rocky Mountain High

We are camping at Fort Collins and spent the afternoon up at Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park. I have arrived, I got a National Parks Senior Pass which is a great deal for only $10 and never expires. I remember when my Dad got the pass and I thought he was so old. Many, many memories as this was my parents favorite spot and we spent a lot of time there as a family. Passed several spots where we had rented cabins and took a hike around Bear Lake. That's where this picture was taken with Hallett's Peak in the background.

It was a bit cloudy and the aspen are just starting to turn in the higher elevations.

Joy just had to stop to get a good picture of this "moose". If you think this is something besides a moose you are probably correct. It was a great day and we got to spend the last few hours shopping in Estes Park. It was very crowded and there was a crafts fair in the park so we didn't stay very long. Tomorrow after church in Fort Collins we move to Cherry Creek Campground in Denver. We hope to see a few friends and family and of course spend some time with Mom Anema.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Camping at Wallowa Lake, Oregon

We have all been out of touch since Monday morning when we left for Wallowa Lake, Oregon. The weather was great and the family fun was outstanding. We hiked, bikes, roasted smores, and smores and smores'. Some of use rode a tram to the top of a large mountain while others rode go carts and others went shopping. It was just great. The smiles on these ladies' faces sum it all up. I don't know which one of the smiles is the cheesiest.

Today we had to say goodbye as the others went back to Kennewick, WA. Cathy and Luke leave for Honolulu on Friday and it's back to school and work for Earl and his family. It was a grand time and we are already talking about the next time. Maybe Yellowstone or Yosemite.

We are in Twin Falls, ID on our way to see Mom Anema and the family in Denver this weekend. Had an exciting tire blowout on the 5th wheel but had a spare and all the tools necessary to get it taken care of. When you get a flat tire you always wonder if you have the right stuff to change it especially for the first time. Now we are experienced. We are having a grand time even though it is a bit quieter than it has been for the past 10 days. We got the news about Marlene Cook and pray she will recover quickly and completely.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Big Day- Kayla's Birthday Party 2007

The big party was today and the preparations are all coming to an end and we are all ready. Grandma and Grandpa are in their glory and the kids are all wound up. So, its party time.

We had an exciting visit from Spiderman and you should have seen all the wide eyed kids. There was dead silence when he made his grand entrance over the top of the roof of the house and jumped down onto the patio. Wow, it was so exciting. He was very entertaining and everyone got in on the act, even some of the adults. He is a friend of Earl that does this for a part time job and does a great act. We had a grand time and the kids were so wound up they took hours to come down.

This is Earl, Nora, Kiana, Lucas and the birthday girl Kayla with her tiger. It all took place in their backyard that Aunt Cathy helped to decorate with streamers and balloons. Earl and Nora worked many hours to set all this up.

If you look close in the back row you can see two older Spiderman fans. The party was attended by 40 to 50 friends of Earl and Nora's and was a very interesting mix of cultures and peoples. A great time was had by all and they stayed late to sing Karaoke in the living room and dance out on the patio. Definitely the highlight of our trip so far.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

We are all here together

Well, we did it. The Great Anema reunion in Kennewick, Washington hosted by our son Earl. We are having a wonderful time. Cathy and Luke came in yesterday morning and we are all staying at Earl and Nora's home and having a great time. Joy is playing Grandma to the tee. Earl and Grandpa are doing all kinds of little projects and just enjoying each other. Cathy is out shopping the thrift stores and the cousins are all getting to know each other again. Luke and Kayla are really cute together, all hugs and kisses. Kianna is at her Mom's but we are all waiting for her to get back tomorrow morning, especially Luke. Nora is busy cooking with her friends for the big birthday celebration on Saturday for Kayla's 2nd birthday.

Here are a few pics of the gang at Uncle Earl's fire station.

Kayla and Lucas getting to know each other at the swing set.

Aunt Bonnie comes in today from Olympia for an overnight visit, more cooking for the party, getting everything else ready, and just basking in being with family. A very special time.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Couer D'Alene, ID

We are really getting closer to Washington, Spokane is only about 30 miles away. Today we took a long ride into the interior of Idaho along the St Joseph River where I have fished many times. One of the more memorable times was with Aaron and Don Klop. We stopped in Spokane to get Aaron his first fly fishing outfit. Great memories. Took Joy on a ride over the water shed from the St Joseph to Wallace, ID and it was the "longest 30 miles I ever rode". No napping on that ride.
This is the view from behind our campground. It is the Spokane River as it flow out of Couer D'Alene lake. Yesterday we rode down a great bike path that runs along the river and the lake all the way through town and along the lake shore the other side of town. It is actually a part of the Centenial Trail, anybody remember the BikeCentenial?

This is the campground where we are staying. Maybe a little bit like a parking lot as Joy says but it is close to town, the bike trail, shopping, etc.
The weather is warm, 90 during the days but it cools down fast a night and is good sleeping

Off for a little exercise. Not very much because it gets dark early here. Like 7:15pm

Ospery that lives behind our campground near the river. Beautiful big bird and very vociferous.

Tomorrow we are going to Cheney Washington to visit Dave and Nancy Terpstra. Dave is a brother inlaw who teaches at Eastern Washington University. Then the next day it is off to the Tri Cities to meet the gang.