Monday, October 8, 2007

Flashbacks Weekend

(left to right: George Zuiderveen, Bob Noordeloos, Elaine Destigter, Joy Anema, Gretchen Zuiderveen, Ann Mary Dykstra, Angie Stegink, Leroy Stegink, Barb Noordeloos, Rich Anema, and Chuck Dykstra) Sorry about the picture quality but the camera computer had a hard time dealing with all the gray hair and bald heads.

Wow, what a weekend. My ears are still ringing or to quote Chuck Dykstra when a couple guys took a break, "Too many words in there!" Thanks to Gretchen and George Zuiderveen for hosting this event again they have a wonderful cottage filled with love. We all made wooden ballpoint pens with a mini-lathe; the women took their annual shopping trip and visited 3 stores in 3 hours but the haul was down a little from previous years; Hobo pies were a new experience for many of us; but a lot of other traditions were observed like the shopping, oatmeal, and of course the Trivial Pursuit contest. I won't gloat about who won the contest but only need to say the men kicked butt as usual. I'm glad because with the arrival of Joy and myself on the scene a few years ago it gave the women an advantage so I wasn't so popular with the men.

It is really remarkable that even though we don't all see each other all that much during the year we get together up at Grand Marais and pickup right where we left off. Thanks again George and Gretchen.

1 comment:

Len and Carrie said...

What a great looking bunch